Title of dataset: Brett et al Student wellbeing_curriculum enhancement Contact details: Caroline Brett, c.e.brett@ljmu.ac.uk File formats: .csv Column headings for tabular data: ID = participant ID gender_two = Gender 1=male 0=female age = in years studyyear = year of study 3-8 studyyearNEW = year of study with 3/4 combined res_simple = residential status 1=commuter 2=residential 3=postgrad/mature 4=other res_twocats = residential status 0=residential 1=commuter degree = main subject of degree. 1=Psychology 2=Education 3=Other science 4=Other humanities 5=Engineering 6=Arts 7=Law or business 8=Social science 9=Vocational degree in healthcare 10=Vocational degree in other (e.g. events management) 11=Other stress = Since starting university, have you ever felt unusually stressed 0=No 1=Yes WEMWBStotal = Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale total score perceivedstress = Total for perceived stress scale brstotal = Brief Resilience Scale total loneliness = Loneliness at present. 1=Most of the time 2=Quite often 3=Only occasionally 4=Seldom 5=Never socmeaning = SOC: total for meaningfulness subscale soccompreh = SOC: total for comprehensibility subscale socmanage = SOC: total for manageability subscale soctotal = SOC: total Sense of Coherence trigger_number = Number of stress triggers specified Data and file overview, short description of what the file contains, when and how it was created: Contains data from a questionnaire forming part of a curriculum enhancement grant from LJMU. The data was collected in Feb-April 2018. This file was created for a publication, which was accepted in April 2022. The data pertains to determinants of wellbeing in university students at LJMU. Licences or restrictions placed on the data: None