The Falcondale Collection is a series of nine tapes where Professor Stafford Beer initiates a small group into the world of systems and managerial cybernetics, including the Viable System Model and Team Syntegrity™ in conversation at the Falcondale Hotel, Lampeter North Wales. The conversations cover art, science and philosophy on one hand and practical applications in society, government, community, management and business on the other. The relaxed setting provided a natural flow of discussion, gave opportunity to review and explore ideas in a context unlike conventional lectures. Transcripts for each recording are also available. Tape 1 The History and Origins of Cybernetics: Part 1 Tape 2 The History and Origins of Cybernetics: Part 2 Tape 3 Complexity and the Measure of Variety Tape 4 Homeostasis and Viability Tape 5 The Elemental Organisational Unit Tape 6 The Horizontal & Vertical Variety Balance Tape 7 The Viable System Model: ‘The Inside & Now’ Tape 8 The Viable System Model: ‘The Outside & Then’ Tape 9 Syntegration